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Monday, June 13, 2011




You know...for those out there who can wear a two piece and feel comfortable in their own skin, brava! What does it mean to wear a bikini anyway? I mean a bathing suit should give you confidence; it should not be used to show off your body in vulgar ways but somehow help you in confidence. Bathing suit should make you feel good in the summer!!! It should be a happy time for you so whatever you wear should express that. I know some people that do wear two pieces for themselves or for others. You can definitely tell the diff..some ladies will wear a bathing suit that is very daring, vulgar or doesn't fit right...some ladies will wear it to suit their bodies and doesn't seem to care what anyones thinks about their suit.


...For me it would be a big goal of mine because i am self conscious about my weight and then my legs which has quite a bit of cellulite.   Recently i got this bathing suit for a quite a bit of money but the make and color suits me pretty well. I was never into any crazy looking bathings suits.. they were all black that would hide any extra fat lol.  Well it did...but after a while the bathing suits i have worn i have noticed before were not doing anything for my figured they actually made it worse for me. It did not give me any confidence, did not hide my figure and made me look bigger...haha Now im using this great one piece swimsuit that looks good on me. I feel more confident when i go in and out of the pool..even during swimming...Wisdom: whether or not you are tiny big boned, muscular or very large, it does not matter what size is your body...Find a bathing suit that suits your body respectfully and beautifully. SO what if you cant fit into a two piece, your not a gonna buy it anyway, right? Find a bathing suit that brings out your skin tone, your eyes and if you wanna hide your stomach or lift your bosom, there are many bathing suits out there to pick from...and by more than one at least you'll have an option to look beautiful!!!

So look beautiful!!! Everyone can!!!


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