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Monday, October 31, 2011


A NEW DECISION... Difficult and humbiling as it is, i need it!!

  During these past few months i have tried different kinds of diets, dieting tips and quick fixes... not really good!!! Obviously not because i have gained a couple of pounds since i left weight watchers. Yup... but im not back to square one. One thing i have noticed in every single time i do a new diet, no matter how good i am doing, its just not enough because im not moving around. I use to feel good up to a certain point because even though you maybe limiting your foods, that is the only thing that I felt that will help me. 

  So now i work out amd even though it is difficult to watch what i eat, i still feel good because im sweating off a lot!!! It just feels good...

 So Move!!!

The dates under my profile will be fixed soon...thank you for your patience...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scared to Death of Working WHY??

SO i have this thoery that once i start working out i wont be able to stop which is good. But im scared to get thrown off track and never get back on the saddle...So i am stuck? Do i stay or should go forward???